About a decade ago, while I was preaching in Jerusalem, I had a conversation with a group of Chinese tourists. Intrigued, I asked a Chinese pastor among them what news sources he relied on, given the communist regime in his home country. His response was unexpected; he told me he followed Taiwanese news and monitored what the Chinese government chose to censor.
This method of following the news by observing what is omitted rather than what is reported has proven insightful over the years. For example, observing the censorship patterns of Worthy News has highlighted the significance of what isn’t being shown, offering a unique perspective on what’s truly relevant.
Over the years, we’ve been heavily censored covering COVID, the Hunter Biden’ Laptop story, among some of the most relevant stories that has been taken down by Facebook.
Worthy Ministries is launching a special initiative to highlight the importance of uncovering hidden narratives. To honor your commitment to spreading the truth, we’re giving away free “Get Out of Jail” T-shirts to those who receive social media warnings for sharing a Worthy News article.
If you share a Worthy News article that hasn’t been blocked before, please send us a screenshot of the blocked article, similar to the examples below. Simply email the screenshot of the warning to , with a screenshot of the warning, and we’ll send you a Worthy Ministries “Get Out of Jail” T-shirt as a token of appreciation for your efforts to shine a light on suppressed information.
List of Social Media Offended Articles That Have Been Blocked
UN To Push For Global Narrative Using AI and Media (Worthy News In-Depth)
A United Nations committee has agreed to tackle “hate speech” and “misinformation” globally through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and media, despite worries the approach may “stifle pluralistic debate.” … read more.